In 1904 from J G Brill Philadelphia an order was done for a Brill patent “grooveless post” semi-convertible car on Brill 27G bogies. The car was intended to be used on the “Marginal” (line 1) and got four Siemens motors because of the 10% incline at the East side of the Jardim do Infante. The car had seats for 32 and open platforms. The original number was 90, since 1907 it was 190 and about 1913 it became 191.

From 1918 until 1924 the car was used as a trailer on the Marginal. During this period it had the no.100.

In 1924 this got two GE 270 motors and the number 226. Probably at this time also windscreens were provided. With only one motor in each equal wheel bogie the tram had to little traction to ascend steep slopes. That ruled out its use on line 1 and all lines using Rua dos Clerigos and Rua de Santo António (31 de Janeiro) From now on the car was only operating on line 9.
The STCP gave the tram the number 249 and used it mainly on line 16.

Likely about 1961 the equal wheel bogies were replaced by maximum-traction bogies. In 1967 the 55 hp motors were replaced by 68 hp motors. In 1972 the car was sold to the Rockhill Trolley Museum (Shade Gap) in Pennsylvania USA.

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