As the SNCF trains start/end in Hendaye and the Renfe trains in Irun, the change between them requires a transfer. This can best be done with Euskotren. Below how to do it. As most long distance Renfe trains on the moment (2024) start/end in San Sebastian, below also how to change there.
Transfer from Hendaye to Irun or San Sebastian v.v.
In Hendaye the Euskotren station is on the forecourt of the SNCF main station. Train departures are every half hour at -.03 and -.33 from 5.33 (weekends 7.03) until 22.33, during the nights from Saturdays to Sundays also at 23:03, 1:03, 3:03 and 5:03. The station only has one platform and all trains go via Irun to San Sebastian. If you want to transfer in Irun, then leave the train at Irun-Colon, this is the second stop after departure from Hendaye and the trip takes five minutes. If you want to transfer in San Sebastian, the trip takes 37 minutes to Amara-Donostia (the main Euskotren station in San Sebastian).
In opposite direction the Euskotren trains leave Amara-Donostia (San Sebastian) for Hendaye every half hour at -:15 and -:45 from 6:15 (weekends 7:15) until 22:45, during the nights from Saturdays to Sundays also at 0:15, 2:15, 4:15 and 6:15.
Transfer in Irun between the Euskotren and Adif-Renfe stations
After leaving the Irun-Colon station go to the right, after about 60 m use the pedestrian crossing, also cross the side street and continue to follow the busy road for one more block. (Red line on the map) You’ll come on a kind of square. Actually this is a very wide viaduct above the tracks of the Renfe. At the left you see a building, behind this building is an escalator to go down to the platform from where the long distance trains of Renfe depart. The track on the right is the Renfe track from where the trains depart. The left track is the normal gauge where in the past the SNCF trains arrived. On the platform is a station building with a counter and a vending machine for the long distance trains. (At least the counter was still open when I was there the last time in 2019) The Cercanias (sub-urban trains) depart from the platforms at the right and there is a tunnel to get there. Another way to the Cercanias platforms is to continue on the square and then the first street on the left to go to the street side station building (dotted red line on the map). Here tickets for the Cercanias can be bought. The distance from the Irun-Colon station to the escalator is about 150 m, to the Cercanias station building about 500 m.

Opposite direction. If you arrive on the Cercanias platforms leave the station building and walk straight ahead keeping the railway at your right hand until you can turn to the right. The Euskotren Irun-Colon station is about 150 m further at the left side of the road where the bus stop is. If you arrive at the long distance trains platform, walk on the platform ahead to the escalator at the end of the platform. Go up and to the right. The Euskotren Irun-Colon station is about 150 m further at the left side of the road where the bus stop is. Euskotren trains to Hendaye depart every half hour at -.17 and -.47, the trip to Hendaye takes five minutes. In Hendaye the Euskotren station is on the forecourt of the SNCF railway station.
Transfer in San Sebastian between the Euskotren and Adif-Renfe stations
The change between Euskotren and Renfe in San Sebastian, or called with its Basque name Donostia. is a bit more complicated. The Euskotren station is called Amara-Donostia, The Adif-Renfe station is called Donostia-San Sebastian. The distance between both stations is about 800 m.

From Amara (Euskotren) to the Adif-Renfe station: leave the station building and immediately go to the right. Walk ahead until the river and then go to the left. Walk along the riverside until the bridge, cross the bridge and you’re in front of the Adif-Renfe station.
From the Adif-Renfe station to Amara (Euskotren): Leave the station, cross the road, then cross the bridge and go to the left. Follow the river for about 430 m until the bus-stop. Cross the road and go ahead for about 200 m and you’re in front of the Amara station.
Transfer in Vigo between the Urzáiz and Guixar stations

The trains from or to Madrid use the station Vigo Urzáiz. The trains from or to Porto use the station Vigo Guixar.
The Urzáiz station is in the lower part of a shopping mall complex: “Centro Comercial Vialia de Vigo”. This complex is in the slope of a hill and has five levels. Top down they are:
- Level T: mainly open with leisure accommodations and entrance building. The entrance is at the road (Via Norte) side. For the Ascensor Halo walk around the entrance building.
- Level A: mainly shops and restaurants
- Level B: mainly shops, the Praza da Estacion entrance is on this level. Here is also the long distance bus station.
- Level E: station hall
- Railway tracks and platforms
The shortest route between both stations needs the use of an elevator, the Ascensor Halo. From Guixar to the Ascensor Halo is about 400 m. The tower that contains the elevator is about 40 m high. At the top a circular foot bridge connects with the level T of the Vialia shopping center.
The walking distance from Guixar to the Praza da Estacion entrance on level B of the shopping centre is about 1.1 km, to the entrance on level T of the shopping centre about 1.0 km. However the latter route is trough a desolate area and includes stairs, while the first route follows streets with shops and restaurants. When walking from Guixar to Urzáiz keep in mind there is also a level difference between both, Urzáiz being the higher one. This level difference is about 40 m with the Praza da Estacion entrance and about 50 m with the Via Norte entrance.
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